by Object Now | Dec 5, 2020
Belstaffie escaped an arranged marriage designed to ‘cure’ her lesbianism, did an Access course and became a Probation Officer. Her voice was hidden because her family could not accept that she was a lesbian. Specialising in serious Sex Offenders, she...
by Object Now | Dec 5, 2020
Emma grew up with a dad who was an Autogynephile (AGP), ie his main, perhaps only interest in life was in himself as a woman, and the associated clothes, accessories etc. Emma learned (sadly sometimes from professionals) that her role in his life was to validate and...
by Object Now | Dec 5, 2020
Autogynephilia (self-as-woman-love) is a male fetish where a narcissistic, female-identified man prioritises his sexual arousal from dressing and being treated as a woman above all other aspects of his life, including his family. His entire life is an act and he...
by Object Now | Dec 4, 2020
Ali Bee is a gender atheist, poet, mother, singer, cursing expert and Totally Excellent Real Female Old Woman Singing: the radfem Bob Dylan, the thinking woman’s Billy Bragg. Ali sings about menopause, rape, femicide, porn, sex robots, toxic ‘gender’...