Belstaffie. Her Story.

Belstaffie. Her Story.

Belstaffie escaped an arranged marriage designed to ‘cure’ her lesbianism, did an Access course and became a Probation Officer. Her voice was hidden because her family could not accept that she was a lesbian. Specialising in serious Sex Offenders, she...
My Dad was an Autogynephile

My Dad was an Autogynephile

Emma grew up with a dad who was an Autogynephile (AGP), ie his main, perhaps only interest in life was in himself as a woman, and the associated clothes, accessories etc. Emma learned (sadly sometimes from professionals) that her role in his life was to validate and...
Living with an Autogynephile. (AGP)

Living with an Autogynephile. (AGP)

Autogynephilia (self-as-woman-love) is a male fetish where a narcissistic, female-identified man prioritises his sexual arousal from dressing and being treated as a woman above all other aspects of his life, including his family. His entire life is an act and he...

Ali Bee Sings: the Radfem Bob Dylan

Ali Bee is a gender atheist, poet, mother, singer, cursing expert and Totally Excellent Real Female Old Woman Singing: the radfem Bob Dylan, the thinking woman’s Billy Bragg. Ali sings about menopause, rape, femicide, porn, sex robots, toxic ‘gender’...