> gender ideology

OBJECT believes ‘transgender’ people are entitled to their own personal beliefs and should have the same human rights as anyone else. However, we are concerned by the dangerous impact ‘gender ideology‘ and practice has on women and children. ‘Gender ideology‘ stipulates that ‘gender’ (aka sex roles / stereotypes) is innate and that, inexplicably, biological sex is a social construct. This is in direct opposition to the views of feminists: ‘gender’ is the tool of the patriarchy by which women are oppressed. We believe in the abolition of ‘gender’ in order to attain women’s liberation.
“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.”
Audre Lorde
Gender ideology is rooted firmly on a belief in strict sex roles (i.e. gender) for men and women – if a person does not conform to their sex role (‘masculinity’ for men or ‘femininity’ for women), they are considered defective (‘born in the wrong body’).
Conversely, we do not believe that women have an innate ‘gender’ (aka sex role / stereotype) that predisposes them to wearing dresses, liking pink, adopting ‘feminine’ mannerisms and acting as a sex object for men’s use.
- OBJECT joined the ‘Get The L Out’ protest at London Pride 2018, raising awareness of the issues lesbians are facing from the ‘LGBT’ community -eg. the erasure of lesbianism under the sex-neutral term ‘queer’; the ‘transitioning’ of lesbians as a form of self harm or conversion therapy; the sexual coercion and rape of lesbians by men who identify as ‘transgender’.
- OBJECT joined a protest at the front of the London Pride parade, 2018. The protest highlighted the issue of lesbian erasure, through the redefinition of lesbianism as ‘same-gender’ rather than ‘same-sex’ attraction by those who support ‘transgender’ / ‘queer’ ideology. The ‘LGBT’ community is hostile to lesbians who want to assert their sexual boundaries by refusing to have sex with men – even if those men claim to be ‘women with penises’.
- OBJECT attended other pride parades throughout 2018 to protest against ‘transgenderism’.
- In October 2018, OBJECT responded to the Government Consultation on the Reform of the Gender Recognition Act to oppose the implementation of ‘gender’ self-identification in law and to support the right of women and girls to access single-sex spaces and services.
- In late 2018, OBJECT attended Westminister Magistrates Court in support of Linda Bellos and Venice Allan. A ‘transactivist’ had targeted them for speaking out in defense of women’s rights at Venice’s ‘We Need To Talk About The GRA’ event, held in York in Novemeber 2017. Linda Bellos stated that she would defend herself if attacked by a ‘transactivist’ – this was said in reference to the assault of Maria Maclachlan by a young man who thinks he’s a woman. The case against Linda and Venice was rightfully thrown out by the Crown Prosecution Service. The malestream media failed to cover this outcome, despite publishing the initial accusations of ‘transphobia’ against Linda Bellos.
- New York Launch of The Women’s Declaration
In March 2019, OBJECT went to New York to help promote the launch of the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights. We attended side events at the UN Commission on The Status of Women to spread awareness of the harms of ‘transgenderism’, to promote the launch event, and to encourage people to sign the women’s declaration. Watch the New York launch event here. - Leeds Launch of The Women’s Declaration
The first UK launch of the declaration took place in Leeds on 25th May 2019. OBJECT sponsored and attended the event. Find out more here. - OBJECT continue to work alongside The Women’s Declaration team ( Women’s Human Rights Campaign). This is the first attempt to build an international resistance to the ‘transgender’ lobby. The focus is to prevent the idea of ‘gender identity’ being written into laws across the world.