by Object Now | Jun 25, 2020 | Gender Ideology
The concept of an identity as an unchosen, inherent characteristic is valuable, especially for oppressed groups. Transgenderism does not meet the criteria. What is identity? How has it been used? ‘Identity’ comes from the Latin ‘idem’ meaning the same. It’s a...
by Object Now | Jun 15, 2020 | Gender Ideology
We Object! to the continued persecution of J.K Rowling and hereby reproduce Heather Brunskell Evans article and we Object! to the ensuing media frenzy to dicredit J.K Rowlings person. Article By Heather Brunskell-Evans from her website In contrast to the...
by Object Now | Jun 15, 2020 | Gender Ideology
Six Impossible Beliefs and the Damage They Have Done Impossible beliefs have a history of causing immense suffering. Janice Williams presents six examples of which transgenderism is just the latest. *Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe...
by Object Now | Jun 2, 2020 | Gender Ideology
OBJECT brings you the latest thinking on key feminist issues. Jennifer Bilek’s cutting-edge blog regularly digs out illuminating truths which help us understand the trans movement. She exposes the deliberately invisible and very rich players pushing the trans agenda...