Gender Ideology

Inventing Transgender Children – Pointicle Review

Inventing Transgender Children – Pointicle Review

POINTICLE REVIEW OF ‘INVENTING TRANSGENDER CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE’ (ed. Brunskell-Evans & Moore) You’ve heard of an article, you’ve heard of a listicle (an article based on a list) and now here’s a pointicle! OBJECT has bought the new and controversial...

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Why are Young Women Identifying as ‘asexual’?

Why are Young Women Identifying as ‘asexual’?

This article was originally presented as a talk at the Rad Fem Collective conference in London 22nd September 2019. To clarify, I researched why increasing numbers of young women are identifying as ‘asexual’. I have not covered reasons for men identifying as...

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A Witch Hunt at Humanists UK

A Witch Hunt at Humanists UK

Humanists are Feminists… are they? A few years ago, the UK Women’s Equality Party (WEP) invited Andrew Copson, CEO of Humanists UK (HUK), to speak in north London. He explained that humanists are non-religious people who base their views on science and reason and...

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Remind Stonewall: Lesbians Don’t Have Penises!

Remind Stonewall: Lesbians Don’t Have Penises!

On 26th April 2019, it was ‘Lesbian Visibility Day’. This day was apparently invented by ‘LGBT’ activists in 2008, so it can be assumed that the type of ‘lesbian’ to be celebrated is the penis-bearing variety. The campaign to bring visibility to these new male...

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Who Really Influenced the IOC?

Who Really Influenced the IOC?

L-R Stephanie Davies-Arai, Helen Saxby, Sheila Jeffreys, Ali Ceesay. Photo: Anne Ruzylo The International Olympic Committee (IOC) recently reduced the maximum testosterone level that men must fall short of in order to participate in women’s sports. Male athlete Joanna...

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Get The L Out! – ‘The Cotton Ceiling’

Angela C. Wild of #GetTheLOut (the group who famously protested against lesbian erasure at London Pride 2018) has published new research exposing the abuse that ‘trans’-identified males inflict upon lesbians. 80 women responded to her questionnaire about their experiences within ‘LGBT’ groups and on lesbian dating sites. The results reveal that rape culture is rampant – lesbians are told to accept penises as ‘lady sticks’ – 56% of respondents reported being pressured to accept a ‘transwoman’ as a sexual partner. Several women revealed that they were sexually assaulted or raped by men who ‘identified as women’. This is the enforcement of compulsory heterosexuality on lesbian women. ‘Trans’ ideology is inherently misogynistic and lesbophobic. We OBJECT.

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Guidance: ‘Doxxed’ For ‘Transphobia’

Guidance: ‘Doxxed’ For ‘Transphobia’ GUIDANCE IF YOU ARE ‘DOXXED’ OR REPORTED FOR ‘TRANSPHOBIA’ TO YOUR EMPLOYER OR SIMILAR Janice Williams, Chair of OBJECT, took part in the 'Get the L Out' protest at Pride in London in July 2018 to highlight the erasure of lesbians...

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Paedophilia in Drag

The ‘transgender’ movement is increasingly interested in spreading the myth of the ‘trans child’ – including the idea of ‘child drag queens’, reports of which have been circulating in the media and on Twitter recently. One motive for this is that focusing on children discourages the public from thinking of cross-dressing as a sexual fetish (even though for adult men, it usually is). More importantly, whether as a knock-on effect or an intended consequence, the ‘trans’ movement is breaking down safeguarding measures that protect children. We OBJECT.

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With insight from James Davies’ book ‘Cracked’ (2013), Janice Williams describes why ‘Transgenderism’ isn’t a ‘thing’; its inclusion in the DSM doesn’t lend it any scientific credibility. Many of the ‘disorders’ and ‘mental illnesses’ listed in the Diagnositic & Statistical Manual are not based on scientific evidence, but are voted into existence by male ‘experts’. This is how many ‘female disorders’ (e.g. hysteria, Masochistic personality disorder, sexual aversion disorder) are invented. Next scheduled entry into the DSM: Penis Exclusionary Personality Disorder.

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Strange but True – Beyond Orwellian

STRANGE BUT TRUE…this is beyond Orwellian, this is now Putinesque.  Maria Maclachan has written about how trans-activists spun the story of her assault to make it sound like she was the perpetrator, and how this version of events was spread online. More recently, in the court case involving Linda Bellos, the malestream media has irresponsibly publicised the ridiculous accusations made against her – yet NOT bothered to report that the charges brought against her were rightfully dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service. We OBJECT to malestream media manipulation.

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‘Transgender Ideology’ is Today’s Anti-Feminist Backlash

Thain Parnell, radical feminist writer and activist, exposes ‘trans-activism’ as the latest counter-movement against feminism. Read her article, “Feminism has been co-opted but it won’t last,” originally posted on Medium. Throughout history, when great gains are made by feminists in the pursuit of women’s rights and liberation, a blacklash movement strikes back – often co-opting the term ‘feminism’. The practice and ideology of ‘trangenderism’ is simply the latest form of anti-feminist activism (a.k.a. men’s rights activism). We OBJECT.

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Beard Removal on the NHS: A Hairy Issue

Men who declare themselves to be ‘transwomen’ get laser-hair removal funded by the NHS – they don’t even have to ‘get the snip’ first (or at all). The treatment received by ‘transwomen’ is a cut above that offered to women. An NHS Senior Consultant speaks out anonymously – public discussion of this hairy issue runs the risk of being accused of ‘transphobia’. Let’s not allow this to become the perm.

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