A Radical Feminist exploration of the realities of Surrogacy This Conference will explore Surrogacy from a radical feminist viewpoint, looking past the glamorised and sanitised portrayals on social media and TV, to the realities of surrogacy: the women involved, the...
Object Surrogacy Report
Dustbin Dolls
This poignant photo by Maria Chankova shows how society pressures women to work hard to meet a narrow stereotyped standard of appearance (impossible for some, expensive for most) and then dumps them on the scrapheap regardless.We OBJECT!
A Homage To Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary Woolstonecraft an Adult Human female naked in the early morning London chill needed a t-shirt to warm her up. We OBJECT to stereotypes and gratuitous nudity in female statues Background Many women are asking why the statue of Mary Wollstonecraft is not a...
What about the girls?
‘Trans’ is the Wrong Answer to a Real Problem. What about the girls? This contains upsetting pictures but pre-teen kids see stuff like this daily so why should we warn you? by Dr EM Part I: Porn Culture. Transgenderism, for teenage girls, is the wrong answer to a...
Patriarchy is a many-headed Hydra
We at OBJECT love single issue feminist campaigns. What can be better than to put your energies into votes for women, ending FGM, helping refugee women or ending child sexual exploitation? But patriarchy has had such a deep grip on societies world-wide for thousands...
Message from Female Survivors of Rape, Sexual Violence and Abuse
Brighton Royal Visit 03/10/2018 Clare B Dimyon MBE for services to (& accepted on behalf of) the ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender’ people of C & E Europe 3rd October 2018: Video Welcoming the Duchess & Duke of Sussex on behalf of Female Survivors...
Spread Word of The Women’s Declaration
Spread Word of the Women’s Declaration! We encourage everyone to spread word of the Women’s Declaration (perhaps by arranging your own launch event or meeting, big or small) in your own town/region/country to raise awareness of the need to protect and preserve women’s...
Leeds Launch
Leeds Launch – May 2019 The Leeds Spinners organised the first UK launch of the Women’s Declaration, which was held in Leeds Civic Hall on 25th May 2019. OBJECT sponsored and attended the event. A brilliant opening speech was given by Councillor Sarah Field. She...
What is the Women’s Declaration?
What is the Women’s Declaration? The Women’s Declaration is a proclamation of women’s sex-based human rights, which affirms that the discrimination and oppression of women all over the world is based upon biological sex, and not the postmodern concept of ‘gender...
OBJECT’s Doxxing Dossier
This is a list of ordinary UK gender-critical campaigners who have been maliciously reported for their legitimate views by transactivists to their employer or other organisation. This ‘doxxing’ is a project of concerted malicious in-depth detective work carried out...
Do the cows in the field know they are shut in? As they shuffle painfully into the milking parlour do they know there is another way to live their lives? No. A cow kept for breeding may have felt the sweet pull of a hungry little mouth against her painfully full...