We focus on 5 Key Issues relating to the Oppression and Objectification of Women.




sex clubs

gender ideology

Watch this space in Fear and Trepidation

On 29th March government proposals on changing the law on surrogacy will be announced.
We fear they will seek to legalise commercial surrogacy in order to stimulate the UK economy at vast personal cost to the women and children involved.

Our Surrogacy Conference in May 2022 was the first ever in the UK to explore this controversial issue from a radfem viewpoint, looking past the glamorised and sanitised media portrayals to the realities of the mothers and children involved.
We coined a new word – Surrocritical, and heard from

  • Jennifer Lahl of the Centre for Bioethics and Culture, who introduced her new film exploring the family dynamics behind surrogacy and its role in family finances.
  • Liz Purslow, a working midwife about the realities as she find them in the NHS, which of course has to pick up the pieces when things go wrong in private clinics.
  • Dr Heather Brunskell Evans spoke about the inadequacies of the UK Law Commission’s recent consultation on surrogacy law and the absence of consideration of the effects on a real woman and her body.
    Kajsa Ekis Ekman spoke about the strong parallels between prostitution and surrogacy and pointed out that once we start dissociating from our body, we are open to many kinds of exploitation.
  • Kelly-Jay Keen (aka ‘Posie Parker’) of Standing for Women spoke about her views as a mother, pointing out that it is not until you have your own child that you can fully understand what is involved in child-bearing. Hence men should butt out of these discussions.
  • A Ukrainian surrogacy expert spoke via video link about the realities of surrogacy in the Ukraine, the orphanages full of disabled and rejected children, the poverty and corruption that leads women to use their bodies in this way.
  • Gary Powell spoke about the much vaunted gay rights aspect, pointing out that there is no right to exploit another person, no one has a right to a child: a living person must not be bought or sold. A child, particularly an unborn and unconceived baby cannot possibly consent to a surrogacy arrangement.

Our dedicated delegates stuck with us on this horrible subject right through till 6pm and then hit the pub to carry on sistering. We were delighted to welcome the open-minded and much-maligned Shahrar Ali, formerly of the Green Party, who has stuck up for women’s rights in the currect transgender controversy. We wish him well in his case against the Green Party, you can support his crowd-funder.

Our Latest Objections

Here’s what we have been up to lately.

Sexualised Images Groom Children.

Sexualised Images Groom Children.

We can and should challenge sexualised images, especially when placed in the way of children. Kids have enough problems growing up without being sexualised before they are ready. OBJECT recently challenged Southampton City Council to take action about sexualised images placed in the way of young...

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OBjECT! on GB News

OBjECT! on GB News

Jan Williams explains how to change prostitution and how to change the attitudes of young people to pornified sex.

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The Modern Family Show

On Sunday 18 Sept OBJECT  and Stop Surrogacy Now UK protested loudly against surrogacy at the 'Modern Family Show' which marketed a toxic combo of surrogacy and eugenics to LGBTQ people. We had 'moles' at the show to investigate it from the inside - their report follows below....

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Objecting to Men in Women’s Sport

Objecting to Men in Women’s Sport

Janice from OBJECT speaks at the Speakers Corner (Hyde Park London) event and then it’s on New Zealand House to OBJECT to Gavin Hubbard taking a woman’s place in the Women’s Weight Lifting event at the Olympic Games 2021. Keep Men (all of them) Out of Womens Sports!

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The NOT So Open University

The NOT So Open University

THE OPEN UNIVERSITYIS NOW CLOSED.   THE CLOSED UNIVERSITY IS OPEN TO TRANSACTIVISM We OBJECT! In 2020 OBJECT complained to the OU Vice-Chancellor about an online Futurelearn course authored by Gendered Intelligence and full of unscientific nonsense about trans. We had to chase for a response,...

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