Sasha Rakoff is the original founder of OBJECT. She also founded and chairs #NotBuyingIt, which challenges strip...

Sasha Rakoff is the original founder of OBJECT. She also founded and chairs #NotBuyingIt, which challenges strip...
Jennifer Lahl is a film director, founder and president of The Center for Bioethics and Culture (CBC) Network and...
We hear from two 'gender' experts who supported brave detransitioner Keira Bell with her October 2020 court case where...
Prostitution survivors tell us it is NOT a choice, NOT a job, and 'sex work' is a myth. Survivors of prostitution in...
Many academics have bowed to the trans cult but Heather Brunskell Evans stood up to it. Heather tells us how she...
Belstaffie escaped an arranged marriage designed to 'cure' her lesbianism, did an Access course and became a Probation...
Emma grew up with a dad who was an Autogynephile (AGP), ie his main, perhaps only interest in life was in himself as a...
Autogynephilia (self-as-woman-love) is a male fetish where a narcissistic, female-identified man prioritises his...
Ali Bee is a gender atheist, poet, mother, singer, cursing expert and Totally Excellent Real Female Old Woman Singing:...